Small doses: Covid and the brain
Watch Professor Paul Harrison, Professor of Psychiatry, Oxford University, talk about his research into the neurological and psychiatric outcomes of Covid from #COVID-19 Series episode 106: Covid and the brain.
We have highlighted some key resources below which we hope you will find helpful.
You can also watch previous episodes of our webinar series or see our COVID-19 Two Years On: A Research Timeline.
Watch Professor Paul Harrison, Professor of Psychiatry, Oxford University, talk about his research into the neurological and psychiatric outcomes of Covid from #COVID-19 Series episode 106: Covid and the brain.
Download our reading list covering resources and recommended guidance on Long Covid symptoms, associated syndromes and research studies.
Dr Claire Bayntun, RSM Trustee, summarises three major themes arising from questions asked by clinicians at the start of the pandemic.
Download our reading list covering recommended guidance for respiratory effects, cardiovascular complications, effects on brain and nervous systems, and research on vaccines for COVID-19.
Resources on guidelines and evidence summaries about COVID-19 and women's health and pregnancy.
Resources on evidence behind black, Asian and ethnic minority patients affected by COVID-19.
Resources on transmission of COVID-19 in children, and impacts on education and mental health.
Resources on advice and services available for healthcare professionals struggling with mental health issues during the COVID-19 outbreak.
Resources on outbreak management, infectious diseases and COVID-19.
Resources about current national clinical trials taking place for potential coronavirus (COVID-19) treatments.
Resources around critical care and ethics for COVID-19, recommended by palliative care specialist Dr Rachel Clarke.
We’ve created a roundup of official guidance and information, tools and helpful resources on COVID-19 for healthcare professionals, compiled by the RSM Library team.
Members of the RSM Paediatrics & Child Health Section have collaborated with poet Laura Mucha to write and perform a poem for children to let them know they’re there if they need them.
In March 2020, as the devastating impact of Covid-19 on the NHS became clear, the RSM moved to swiftly to produce a series of webinars to provide essential medical education about this new disease.
The Digital Health Section’s recent survey reveal insights into the experiences of people working in health and care services following this rapid transition to new digital health technologies during COVID-19.
With a reach and reputation respected across medicine and healthcare the RSM shares how it is supporting UK healthcare during the unprecedented crisis represented by the coronavirus pandemic.
Hamish Clark recently graduated in medicine and is one of many who has applied for the NHS’s FiY1 posts.
With coronavirus making its impact across the world, the RSM’s CEO Michele Acton here shares how the RSM is adapting to these changing times.
Please read a Coronavirus (COVID-19) update from the Royal Society of Medicine.
For working doctors and consultants (FY1 to ST8), retired doctors, and those holding senior management positions in medicine or healthcare.
For scientists and other professionals with a proven interest (or role) in the healthcare sector, but who do not hold a medical qualification.
For those studying medicine, dentistry or another healthcare-related subject, who are on their way to becoming a qualified medical or healthcare professional.