A new strategy for the RSM: Better healthcare for better lives
Professor Roger Kirby and Michele Acton discuss the new vision and strategy for the Royal Society of Medicine and what it means for section volunteers, members and staff.
October 2021
Welcome to the October issue of RSM Engage, the digital magazine for members of the Royal Society of Medicine.
In this issue we mark the launch of the RSM’s new strategy with an interview with President Professor Roger Kirby and Chief Executive Michele Acton and by hearing from members of the RSM community who describe in their own words what the RSM means to them.
We welcome over 30 new presidents to our specialty sections, highlight new arrangements for the awarding of CPD for RSM meetings, and report on important new research, published by the Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine.
There’s great news for all RSM members, who can now take advantage of free access to the majority of RSM webinars of up to two hours long.
And celebration is the order of the day in other news as we mark the 100th birthday of RSM member Dr Marjory Foyle, and congratulate the RSM members who have been recognised in the HSJ’s list of most influential minority ethnic health leaders.
Finally, if you’re planning a trip to London, there are some offers at the RSM’s hotel, Domus Medica, providing exceptional value for money for the Autumn season.
Professor Roger Kirby and Michele Acton discuss the new vision and strategy for the Royal Society of Medicine and what it means for section volunteers, members and staff.
Diverse voices from the Royal Society of Medicine community describe in their own words what the RSM means to them.
RSM Dean Professor Humphrey Scott heads up newly created Programme Approval Committee to oversee the Society’s fresh approach to CPD.
Over 30 new presidents will be taking over the leadership of the specialist education programmes for their sections. Professor Roger Kirby pays tribute to all the section presidents and volunteers who play such a pivotal role in the life and work of the RSM.
Read the latest research paper accepted for publication by the Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine.
RSM members can now take advantage of free access to the majority of RSM webinar programmes lasting up to two hours.
Medical missionary, psychiatrist and charity founder, Dr Marjory Foyle celebrates her 100th birthday next week.
Four RSM members, representing diverse fields in healthcare, have been named in the HSJ 50 most influential Black, Asian and minority ethnic health leaders.
Catch up on news, opinions and information about the Royal Society of Medicine's activities by exploring previous issues of RSM Engage.