About this section
On behalf of the London Deanery and the London School of Specialty Medicine, the Cardiology Section provides programmes of training days for general cardiology and advanced sub-specialty training for London/Thames programme trainees.
Section Council members
Section meetings and conferences are usually organised by members of the Section Council, led by the Section President and often in collaboration with specialist societies.
Interested in joining the Section Council?
Section Councils play a pivotal role at the RSM. This Council is not currently looking for any new Council members. When vacancies arise, an application form will be made available on this page.
Upcoming cardiology events and webinars
View all events and webinars being run by the Cardiology Section.
Add the complete series of General Days events to your cart by clicking here.
PMETB attendance requirements
Attendance at cardiology programme training days is mandatory. Trainees are expected to attend all the training days relevant to their level of training and an absolute minimum of 70% to meet PMETB requirements.
Junior trainees (SpR 1-4 & StRs ST3-5)
Junior trainees are welcome to attend the sub-specialty training days however these will not be counted at their RITAs/ARCPs.
Senior trainees (SpRs 5-6 & ST6-ST7s)
Senior trainees are welcome to attend general cardiology training days but are not required to do so and these will not be counted at their RITAs/ARCPs.

General day 4: Heart failure 1

Coronary Intervention: IVUS, calcium, and atherectomy

General day 5: Assessment and care of patients before and after cardiac and non-cardiac surgery

Advanced imaging 2025: Heart failure

General day 7: Patients with valvular heart disease; The prevention and management of endocarditis

General day 8: Pre-syncope, syncope and Bradyarrhythmias

General Day 6: Heart failure in pregnancies
Student prizes & awards
Trainee prizes & awards
President's prize meeting and research
Submission deadline: Saturday 1 March 2025
Open to: Cardiology trainees who have received all or part of their training at recognised centres in the UK.
1st prize: £1000, 2nd prize: £500
Join the RSM today
Become a member today and get discounted rates on our education programme.
For working doctors and consultants (FY1 to ST8), retired doctors, and those holding senior management positions in medicine or healthcare.
For scientists and other professionals with a proven interest (or role) in the healthcare sector, but who do not hold a medical qualification.
For those studying medicine, dentistry or another healthcare-related subject, who are on their way to becoming a qualified medical or healthcare professional.