Tackling Inequalities: Through Innovation and Entrepreneurship – Poster competition
This poster competition invites you to share your work on tackling inequalities through innovation and entrepreneurship.
For the first time, NHS England and the Royal Society of Medicine are hosting a poster competition to showcase work in tackling health inequalities.
Shortlisted submissions will be invited to display their posters at the Tackling Inequalities Conference on Tuesday 16 January 2024.
Poster submissions should demonstrate ways in which we can tackle health inequalities, using the following themes:
- The creation of new ideas, products, services or models of care
- The adoption of something that has worked elsewhere
- Helping to share good practice
- Entrepreneurial projects
Who can enter?
The poster competition is open to anyone working in innovation or healthcare on a project or initiative to tackle health inequalities.
What is your prize?
All those who submit a poster will receive an official certificate acknowledging your active participation in this competition. Those shortlisted for display at the conference will have the opportunity to answer questions in relation to their work during the lunchtime session at the conference. The winner of the poster competition will be granted complimentary access to a webinar of your choice within the RSM's Spotlight on series.
How to submit
Posters should be submitted in a PDF format and ready to print at size A1, should you be shortlisted.
Please submit two copies of the poster design, one which includes the name(s) of the author(s), which will be included in a poster presentation pack for the conference, and one that is anonymous, which will be used for judging.
Posters should be sent by email to content@rsm.ac.uk by 12 noon on Friday 15 December 2023.
Shortlisted candidates will be notified on Friday 5 January 2024, to give you enough time to organise printing of the poster, and the winners will be announced at the Tackling Inequalities Conference on Tuesday 16 January 2024.
If you have any questions, contact content@rsm.ac.uk