The RSM Venous Forum meeting is the primary UK meeting focusing on the multidisciplinary treatment of patients with venous disease, across different healthcare settings. The management of patients with venous disease continues to be seen as a low priority in an enormously stretched NHS. However, chronic venous disease is increasing in prevalence and is a major cause of patient distress and quality of life impairment. Modern venous treatments are minimally invasive and cost-effective (or even cost-saving) and fully supported by NICE.
The meeting will include hands-on practical training in a range of venous procedures and skills. There will be a focus on supporting the entire multidisciplinary team and offer guidance on optimizing clinical pathways to offer patient-centred, evidence-based care.
This meeting will be available as an on-demand recording. To register to watch the on-demand recording, please click here.
Benefits of attending:
- Learn about effective service models for delivering venous care, which can be adapted for local implementation
- Understand the potential roles for vascular nurses, vascular scientists and other non-medical team members in delivering care to patients with venous disease
- Participate in ‘hands-on’ practical workshops for procedural skills in venous management
- Hear an update on latest guidelines and perspectives in deep and superficial venous care
The aim of this meeting is to provide attendees with an update of current, relevant topics in venous disease. Empowering teams to develop venous services, promote practical training and offer guidance on optimizing models of care.
The Venous Forum: Annual Meeting Prize will also be presented and awarded at the meeting. See below for further details and to make a submission.
You are welcome to join the RSM Venous Forum meeting dinner. This optional dinner is available to delegates and includes a drinks reception in addition to networking opportunities. Click here to book your place.
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We would like to thank our sponsors Artvein Medical, BD, Ballater Medical, Frontiére Mèdicale, Inari Medical, Medtronic, Penumbra, STD Pharmaceutical, VB Devices and W. L. Gore & Associates for their support of this meeting.
Please note that the scientific programme and content has not been influenced in any way by the sponsors.