Professor Ali Azarbazin
Lead Investigator, Division of Sleep and Circadian Disorders, Departments of Medicine and Neurology, Brigham and Women's Hospital, Harvard
This is the on-demand version of Sleep Symposium which will bring together a multidisciplinary range of specialists to address the patient with underlying sleep disorders.
The recorded meeting will commence with a focus on diagnosis and therapy of sleep apnoea, followed by non-respiratory topics covering clinical hypersomnias and the treatment of insomnia. By the end of the meeting participants will have been updated and introduced to the standard of care on the latest use of oral appliance therapies. The meeting will also cover the delivery of the NHS England ‘Optimal Sleep Pathway’.
The purpose of this meeting is to provide an update on the national and international treatment guidelines of obstructive sleep apnoea, identification of respiratory and multidisciplinary aspects of patients with sleep disorders and exploring the pathway delivery of NHS England optimal sleep pathway.
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This event is also available to attend in person on Wednesday 7 June 2023. Please click here to book the in-person event.
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We would like to thank our sponsors Acurable, Intus Healthcare Limited, Panthera Dental, ProSomnus Sleep Technologies, Signifier Medical Technologies, SomnoMed UK and Stowood Scientific Instruments Ltd for their support of this event. Please note that the main scientific programme and content has not been influenced in any way by the sponsors.
Lead Investigator, Division of Sleep and Circadian Disorders, Departments of Medicine and Neurology, Brigham and Women's Hospital, Harvard
Consultant Respiratory Physician and Lead, Newcastle Regional Sleep Service
Consultant Physician, Respiratory and Sleep Medicine, Royal Brompton Hospital
Consultant Physician, University Hospitals of North Midlands NHS Trust
Registration for this event will close at 8:00am on Wednesday 14 June 2023. Late registrations will not be accepted.
The agenda is subject to change at any time
If the event is recorded, we are only able to share presentations that we have received permission to share. There is no guarantee that all sessions will be available after the event, this is at the presenter’s and RSM’s discretion.
All views expressed at this event are of the speakers themselves and not of the Royal Society of Medicine, nor the speaker's organisations.
This event will be recorded and stored by the Royal Society of Medicine and may be distributed in future on various internet channels.