Dr Judith M. Foy
Retired former consultant Anaesthetist, University Hospital of Wales
Speaker's biography
Dr Judith Foy qualified at the Welsh National School of Medicine at a time when quotas for women students were in place—a concept unthinkable today. She trained in anaesthetics at St Mary’s, Paddington, before returning to Cardiff Royal Infirmary as a Research Registrar under Prof Mike Rosen in obstetric anaesthesia and analgesia. She had two children early in her career and, as a Senior Registrar, went to Boston, USA, for a remarkable year learning about monitoring with the Swan-Ganz catheter and gaining exposure to the kind of massive trauma rarely seen in Cardiff.
On her return, she became a Consultant and took on Intensive Care responsibilities for several years until the birth of her third child, after which she transitioned to cardiac anaesthesia. Simultaneously, she served as the Director of the Pain Clinic for 10 years, a role that took her to New York, where she was involved in triage efforts during the events of 9/11.
In retirement, she pursued her interest in the arts through involvement with the Contemporary Art Society for Wales as Lecture Secretary. She also serves on the Board of Trustees for the Friends of the National Museum of Wales. In 2022, she was President of the History of Medicine Society of Wales.